The Inside Tract

Title Spread:

Table of Contents:

Part Opener:

Chapter Opener:

Sample Spreads:


This trade non-fiction book’s subject falls into the health-and-medicine category, so I wanted to give something of the feel of a prescription label to the title page and part openers. It also has many more elements than a standard non-fiction title–two types of body text, multiple levels of heads for each, recipes (or more precisely an entire menu and cooking section), sidebars, tables, call-outs, charts, forms, pictures….I’ve only been able to show a small part of the 80-page design sample the book required. The challenge with such a complex text is to distinguish between each element, to make the relationships between them clear, and to keep the book looking cohesive and coherent, and I think I accomplished that.

The book is available on Amazon, but unfortunately, the only previews are of the Kindle edition, which is, of course, stripped of the design, and of the paperback, for which the original design has been altered.