Darkly Dreaming Dexter

Title Spread:


Chapter Opener:

Sample Spreads:


This is the design of mine you’re most likely to have had in your hands–or if not this precise design, one of several adaptations of it. The original novel is still for sale on Amazon, but the interior design they are showing is of the paperback, which has a design based on, but not identical to, the original hardcover design. (The same seems to be true of other editions and later books in the series.)

The covers are all new as well, but if you take a look at the original jacket on Wikipedia, you’ll see that it features a smiley drawn in blood–and that’s where I got the inspiration for the reversed type title on the title page. (I got the display font from the jacket design as well. It’s not always necessary or desirable to coordinate the two, but sometimes it works.)